Tips To Help You Use Your Iphone

Unless you are in the habit of avoiding societal on-goings, you know what an Apple iPhone is. This one phone has altered our perspective of smartphones, phone calls and means of communication. You may have just purchased an iPhone or are a veteran owner looking for new knowledge; rest assured, you can find tips and ideas here.

If you’re browsing the web through your iPhone, you should know you don’t have to type “.com” when you’re putting in a site’s address. Safari will direct you to the website you want with only the main address words. This is a simple, straightforward trick, but the time it saves you will really add up.

Although you might spend a lot of time surfing the Web or reading your email on your iPhone, did you realize how simple it can be to save an image to your phone too? Just hold the image you want for a moment. The box that pops up will have options for manipulating the image.

When you know how to use volume controls for picture taking, you can take the picture with your headphone cord. As you prepare to take the picture, steady your hand, then quickly depress the button located on the headphone cord. When you do this, you won’t shake your device, which means your picture will come out clear.

Keep in mind you don’t have to always need to press X each time AutoCorrect pops up to suggest a correction. Just tap the screen anywhere instead. This method closes the suggestion box quickly and easily.

You can snap a photo using your headphone cord. For starters, get the frame of the photo that you want to take. Simply push the volume button on the headphone cord. This will take the photograph. Follow the same steps as usual to save or alter the photo.

Since you’ve read the above article, you are aware of how to make the most of your iPhone. Make sure you try all the tips and tricks from this article to maximize your use of the iPhone. You will enjoy your iPhone so much more if you know how to use it.

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