Take Our Quick Course On Jewelry Knowledge

Many people love jewelry and, they enjoy both wearing it themselves, and giving it to friends and family. Given that there is a diverse array of jewelry on the market, and each involves special tips for care and wearing, it is helpful to have a bit of information. This article is meant to help you in your search for some of the answers!

Don’t use acetone, ammonia, turpentine, bleach, or other harsh chemicals for cleaning them. You can turn your stones this way and it will eat away the enamel on the pieces.

The metals in jewelry can tarnish if exposed to humid air, so you will want to store them in a way that protects them. For maximum protection you can choose to store them inside of a small drawstring or a closed jewelry box. Metals will become tarnished when exposed to air and humidity. Polishing will work to restore the color and shine for precious metals, but with non-precious metals, polishing will not help the change in color.

To keep your jewelry looking great, take steps to prevent it from tarnish. Don’t wear jewelry near water. Metals will often tarnish or rust when in contact with water. To give jewelry an added layer of protection apply a thin layer of clear nail lacquer.

When you are looking for jewelry to purchase, give careful thought to the stones you prefer. Purchase stones that are a reflection of you who are, and match your skin tone as well. Choose neutral colors that will easily match any outfit you decide to wear. Do not buy something that looks nice on the shelf but that you will never use.

You should wear the jewelry for a few days to see how it feels and if it is comfortable. This will also let you know how the piece holds up in every day environments.

It is a good idea to determine the best approaches for jewelry care. Different cleaning techniques are required for different types of jewelry. What works for a certain kind of stone may not work for another. If you are unfamiliar with the correct way to clean or maintain a piece, consult a jeweler.

When you buy or sell a piece of jewelry, you’re not just dealing with a physical commodity–you’re dealing with somebody’s memories. When an item of jewelry becomes an heirloom, it carries the emotions of it’s wearers from generation to generation – both sad and joyous.

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