Sleep Apnea: Learning How To Breathe Easy!

Sleep apnea interferes with getting a good night’s sleep and can be extremely dangerous. If you want to deal with sleep apnea effectively, you first need to know how the condition affects you and what methods are used to treat it. Use the great advice that this article provides to help manage the impact of sleep apnea on your life.

Overweight people are prone to suffering from sleep apnea. The obvious solution is to lose the excess weight. The best way to lose weight is to become physically active with exercise at least four times per week and eat less food calories than are burned off each day by activity. Reducing carbohydrate intake can help greatly, as well.

Taking up a musical instrument (especially a wind instrument) can have a positive effect on your sleep apnea. Instruments like the didgeridoo can help you relieve yourself from sleep apnea conditions. These muscles are the key to dilation of the air passage and proper breathing as we sleep. Because of this, playing it regularly can help you breathe better when you sleep.

Children can have sleep apnea. If you find your child is innatentive, always tired or uses their mouth to breath and not their nose, they may suffer from this condition. Often these symptoms are similar to ADHD, but you need to talk to a physician and consider sleep apnea as a cause as well.

Your doctor might ask you to write down when you sleep and wake. In it, you’ll record the number of hours you sleep, as well as any symptoms you have during the night. The person you sleep next to can alert you to your snoring, if you stop breathing or you move your limbs suddenly. This will allow your doctor to see if you’re suffering from sleep apnea.

When it comes to sleep apnea, the range of possible causes is just as wide as the field of potential solutions. Since you have read this article, you have increased your knowledge about dealing with your sleep apnea. Pass this knowledge on to others whose lives may be affected by this condition. Now, you know good times are ahead, because you are going to be helped a great deal.

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