Gain Great Benefit From This Jewelry Article

Jewelry is a wonderful way to express feelings, whether it be to celebrate an achievement, or to show your love and pride. Even a modest gift of jewelry will always be remembered and loved. This is a great article to learn about jewelry from, whether it’s for yourself or if you give it to someone as a gift.

Be cautious about your jewelry storage. It is recommended to separate the items stored by using compartments, boxes, holders and hooks. Jewelry should not be lumped together in a pile. This can hurt very fragile jewelry, and tangle necklaces or bracelets.

Don’t use acetone, ammonia, turpentine, bleach, or other harsh chemicals for cleaning them. This can cause the stones to lose their luster in addition to eating away the enamel on any of the pieces.

If you want to buy sterling silver pieces, use a magnet and examine the jewelry very carefully. Magnets attract non-precious metals, and you can use this fact to detect fakes. Another way to tell if a metal is sterling silver is to check for a hallmark stamp, for example .sterling, .ster, or .925. If the piece of presumed silver is not marked, be skeptical that is real silver. It could very well be a fake.

When you purchase jewelery ensure you know what you are buying. There are basically three distinct types: natural gems, synthetic gems and imitation stones. “Real” can mean natural or synthetic, and an imitation stone could be glass or plastic. The difference here, however, is that synthetic is man-made in a laboratory while natural is found buried in the earth.

A brooch will add a little character to your belt. Think about placing it near your hip or at waist level.

Before you purchase a new piece of jewelry, consider what situations you will be wearing it in. There is no need to purchase a large amount of jewelry that you never plan on wearing. Consider specific outfits and styles when making your selections.

Whether you are buying or selling or just own jewelry, it is a priceless investment. Each piece of jewelry is filled with emotion. It may be the celebration of a child’s birth or the promise of a lifetime of happiness ahead, but each item will invoke a memory each time it is viewed.

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